One Touch Ultra Test Strips 100ct

One Touch Ultra Test Strips 100ct


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One Touch Ultra Test Strips 100ct
Are you looking for One Touch Ultra Test Strips? Buy two boxes of 50 strips each for a total of 100 glucose test strips and save money! The One Touch Ultra Strips are made to be used with the OneTouch Ultra 2, OneTouch UltraSmart, OneTouch UltraMini, and OneTouch InDuo Blood Glucose Meters.
OneTouch Ultra Test Strips use a unique Fastdraw design to automatically draw blood into the strip, which makes glucose testing fast, simple and less painful for diabetics testing their glucose levels. One Touch Ultra Test Strips provide accurate test results and are one of the most dependable brands of test strips in the market.
Other One Touch Ultra Test Strips Quantities:
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OneTouch Ultra 100ct Test Strips Compatibility:
OneTouch Ultra Starter Kit
OneTouch Ultra 2 Glucose Meter
OneTouch Delica PLUS Lancets
OneTouch Delica Lancets
OneTouch Delica PLUS Lancing Device
OneTouch UltraSoft Lancets
OneTouch Ultra Control Solution 1 Vial
Please read before using your One Touch Ultra Blue Test Strips.
Write the date on the bottle upon first opening it.
Use of strips within six months of the date purchased is best.
Recap the bottle immediately after removing a single Test Strip.
Handle Test Strips with dry hands & clean your hands as well
Follow the directions on the bottle for storage purposes
OneTouch Ultra Test Strips Feature:
The One Touch Ultra Blue test strips feature Double Sure Technology which Automatically checks each blood sample twice.
Easy to Use: The One Touch Ultra glucose test strips were designed to make it easy to see when there is enough blood for an accurate reading.
Small Sample Size: These One Touch diabetic test strips require only a tiny blood sample, meaning less pain when testing your glucose level.
Alternate Site Testing: To help reduce the pain of repetitive testing on the same area, you able to test blood glucose levels on your forearm, finger or arm. When using the OneTouch Ultra 2 test strips for alternative site testing you should be cleared through your health care professional first.
Fast draw: Just touch the end of the One Touch Ultra 2 test strip to the blood sample; the strip will automatically draw the right amount of blood needed for an accurate reading.
5 Second Test Results: Within 5 seconds, you will have an easy to read blood glucose test result when using your One touch Ultra mini test strips.
OneTouch Ultra Meter Compatibility
OneTouch Ultra 2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System
OneTouch Ultra Smart Blood Glucose Monitoring System
OneTouch Ultra Mini Blood Glucose Monitoring System
OneTouch Ultra Blood Glucose Monitoring System
OneTouch Ultra Link Blood Glucose Monitoring System
Package Includes:
2 x OneTouch Ultra Test Strips 50ct (100 total) 
Testing instructions and answers to frequently asked questions
Best Expiration Date Guaranteed
NDC: 53885-0245-10


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